Official Plan
By-law 2008/27
Every municipality in Ontario must have an Official Plan, which sets out the land use policy direction for long-term growth and development in a municipality.
The Municipality of West Nipissing Official Plan contains policies governing various land use designations, such as Residential, Commercial, Industrial, Agricultural and Open Space and Natural Heritage. These designations are broadly established on a land use map, also referred to as a schedule. Other policies relating to Mineral Aggregate Resources, Prime Agricultural Lands, Transportation and Community Improvement are incorporated into the Plan.
The current Official Plan for the Municipality of West Nipissing was approved by the Province on December 8, 2011. Any development application submitted will be reviewed under this Official Plan. This ensures your plans align with long-term municipality growth.
The Official Land Use Plans for specific areas within the Municipality can be found on the Planning and Development page.
View the By-law