Boards and Committees
Volunteering Opportunity
The Youth Advisory Committee is looking for ambassadors who are passionate about social and recreational matters for youth in West Nipissing. See the committee’s Terms of Reference for details.
- Term: September to June
- Open to candidates aged 14 to 24 (aged 14 before January 1of this year)
- Apply using the Youth Application Form below
Individuals interested in volunteering on a Board or Committee may submit their Application Form to the attention of the Municipal Clerk.
Melanie Ducharme
Municipal Clerk
225 Holditch Street, Suite 101
Sturgeon Falls, ON P2B 1T1
When appointing individuals, Council will consider representatives from various races, religions, genders, gender identities or expressions, sexual orientations, national origins and disabilities as a means to ensure a diverse and inclusive environment.
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The purpose of the committee is to review and advise Council on the development of policies, renovations, purchases, etc. in an effort to remove barriers in all municipal facilities in accordance with the 2001 Ontarians with Disabilities Act. Candidates possessing knowledge and experience related to disabilities are encouraged to apply.
Céleste Auger-Proulx
Sylvie Bélanger
Louise Gauthier
Yvon Gauthier
Isabel Mosseler
Councillor Fernand Pellerin
Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005
Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2001
Accessibility Plan 2021-2025
Municipal Policy – Accessibility Customer Service Policy
Terms of Reference
Accessibility Feedback Form
Brittney Fortin
Community Development Officer
The mission statement of this committee is to provide priority and direction for municipal concerns relating to agriculture that will contribute to a prosperous and sustainable farming community in West Nipissing. It is essential to recognize the importance of agriculture to the local economic base, as an employment source and as a foundation for the rural way of life. Experience in agriculture or conservation, volunteer work on other farming or rural committees and boards and good communication skills would be considered assets.
Melanie Ducharme
Municipal Clerk
Hubert Beaudry
Maria Anne Cerilli
Mark Fryer
Joel Olivier
Councillor Georges Pharand
The West Nipissing Cemetery Board oversees the effective operation of municipally-owned Cemeteries, such as the Cache Bay Cemetery, Field Cemetery, Sunnyridge Cemetery, Verner Cemetery and Westside Cemetery, and provides guidance to the cemetery caretakers.
All operations and proceedings of the West Nipissing Cemetery Board shall be governed by the rules and regulations of By-law 2012/37 as amended by By-law 2013/09, and as amended, revised or superseded from time to time in accordance with the provisions and regulations of the Cemeteries Act, as amended, and the Funeral, Burial and Cremations Services Act, as amended.
Melanie Ducharme
Municipal Clerk
Louis Benoit
André Courchesne
Jean-Pierre Courchesne
Jean-Pierre Martin
Christine Riberdy
Councillor Rolly Larabie
The Committee of Adjustments is a quasi-judicial body that has broad powers under the Planning Act and is responsible for such items as the approval on consents (land severances), minor variances to the Zoning By-law and Site Plan Approval.
Melanie Ducharme
Municipal Clerk
Campbell Anderson
Roger Gagnon
Jonathan Sandiford
Councillor Roch St-Louis
Mayor Kathleen Thorne Rochon
This is a Committee of all Council members which deals with matters in a less formal manner than at Regular Council Meetings. Resolutions are not formally adopted however reports are discussed and recommendations are made to Council. Following a Municipal Election, the Mayor determines the Council member who shall be the Chair for each Committee on the Committee of the Whole.
The Committee of the Whole Chairs for the Municipality of West Nipissing are as follows:
- Community Services – Councillor Kris Rivard
- Economic Development – Councillor Georges Pharand
- Environmental Services – Councillor Kaitlynn Nicol
- General Government – Mayor Kathleen Thorne Rochon
- Planning – Councillor Roch St-Louis
- Emergency Measures and Public Safety – Councillor Rolly Larabie
- Public Works – Councillor Daniel Gagné
- Water & Sewer – Councillor Fernand Pellerin
- Social Services and Health – Councillor Jamie Restoule
For more information, or for Committee of the Whole Meeting schedules, please visit our Council Meetings page.
The Court of Revision is a body which hears appeals on assessments pursuant to the Drainage Act. The Municipality of West Nipissing has approximately 125 Municipal Drains located primarily in agricultural areas and rural areas.
Melanie Ducharme
Municipal Clerk
Hubert Beaudry
Madeleine Beaudry
Jean-Pierre Courchesne
Marian O’Donnell
Daniel Séguin
The West Nipissing Economic Development Committee is Council appointed, and primarily responsible for promoting economic development and enhancing quality of life in the Municipality of West Nipissing. The Committee acts as an advisory committee to Council on matters of an economic development nature. The committee is responsible for the development of an economic development strategic plan designed to assist with job creation/retention through expansion and new investment projects in our community. To learn more, visit the Economic Development page.
Jesse Demers
Bruno Lepage
Ashten Marcoux
Jean-Pierre Martin
Rachel Quesnel
Jean-Guy Séguin
Councillor Kris Rivard
Councillor Georges Pharand
The CCG oversees the development, implementation and maintenance of the Municipality’s Emergency Plan. It is imperative that this committee be equipped with members from key municipal organizations in order to ensure the effective deployment of all resources required to minimize the loss of life and property arising from an emergency and its effects.
Frank Loeffen
Chief, West Nipissing Fire Services
Emergency Preparedness Plan (Public Safety Canada)
West Nipissing Emergency Plan
The Environmental Services Board is responsible for providing guidance and direction on all issues relating to environmental services, community sustainability, solid waste management, recycling initiatives, and where necessary, development of recommendations related to the fulfilling of environmental responsibilities of the Municipality of West Nipissing.
Jason Sullivan
Manager, Environmental Services
Denis Beaudry
Dave Lewington
Ashten Marcoux
Raymond Marleau
Daniel Olivier
Councillor Kaitlynn Nicol
Councillor Kris Rivard
The West Nipissing Planning Advisory Committee provides recommendations to the Municipal Council for planning applications including Zoning Amendments, Subdivision Agreements, Official Plan Amendments and Site Plans. For additional information, see the Planning and Development page.
Melanie Ducharme
Municipal Clerk
Mark Fryer
Councillor Daniel Gagné
Roger Gagnon
Daniel Séguin
Councillor Roch St-Louis
Councillor Rolly Larabie
Mayor Kathleen Thorne Rochon
The West Nipissing OPP Detachment Board’s mandate is legislated by the Police Services Act and can be summarized as general management and setting of policing policies. The Chief of Police is responsible for daily policing and other operational matters. Generally, the Board’s role in shaping the structure of policing is very broad, limited by legislation only in the realm of daily operations. For more information on policing in West Nipissing, visit Emergency Services.
Mélanie Hébert
Daniel Gagné
Rachelle Laflèche
Roch St-Louis
Jean-Guy Séguin
Campbell Anderson
The function of the West Nipissing Property Standards Committee is to hear appeals, filed by owners or occupants of property within the Municipality of West Nipissing after they have been served with an order to maintain their property according to the standards prescribed by the Municipal Property Standards By-law.
Alain Bazinet
Chief Building Official
Ashten Marcoux
Marian O’Donnell
Kyle Van der Mos
The West Nipissing Public Library Board is governed by the Public Libraries Act and is accountable to the Municipal Council. The Board prepares annual budget estimates and submits them to Council, ensures the budget is administered properly and reports regularly to Council about the library’s activities and operations. A Board member shall hold office concurrent with the term of Council.
Émélie Bisaillon
CEO, West Nipissing Public Library
Amanda Baird
Steven Friedrich
Catherine Hatton
Susie Michaud
Councillor Kaitlynn Nicol
Christine Riberdy
Deborah Rivard
About the WNPL Board
Guidelines for the Position of Public Library Board Member
The Recreation and Culture Advisory Committee assists Council in an advisory capacity on matters related to art, culture, heritage, recreation, leisure, and programming in West Nipissing.
Councillor Kris Rivard
Brittney Fortin
Community Development Officer
The Youth Advisory Committee (YAC) provides a voice for the youth of West Nipissing, while assisting Council in an advisory capacity on social and recreational matters that will enhance the quality of life, safety, health and well-being of West Nipissing’s younger population.
- Term: September to June
- Open to candidates aged 14 to 24 (aged 14 before January 1 of the application year)
Terms of Reference
Youth Application Form
Hailey Laurin
Community Development Officer