What is a Delegation
Delegations to Council are subject to the provisions of Section 13 of the West Nipissing Procedural By-Law No. 2023-27. A Delegation to Council is generally made by an individual, group or organization who wishes to share information with Council which may be of general interest to the municipality as a whole. Delegations are also made by groups or organizations seeking Council’s assistance.
About the Process
To make a delegation you must submit a Delegation Request to the Municipal Clerk. Your completed form must be submitted at least 10 days prior to the requested meeting date.
Notwithstanding that a specific dates may be requested, delegations are subject to approval and are scheduled according to available meeting dates. If the requested date is not available, the Clerk’s office will contact you to arrange another suitable date.
Presentations are limited to a maximum of 15 minutes and may be made in-person or virtually via the Zoom platform. All Council meetings are recorded and live-streamed on the municipality’s YouTube channel.
Council Meetings
Council meets every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month (schedule varies in July and August).
Time and Location
Meetings begin at 6:30 p.m. and are held in Council Chambers at Town Hall, 225 Holditch Street, Sturgeon Falls, unless otherwise notified.
Before the Delegation
Submit your Delegation Request Form
A member of the Clerks Department will follow-up with details regarding your request.
Provide information to the Municipal Clerk
If the delegation will include a visual presentation, please provide a copy of the presentation, preferably in PDF format, to the Clerk no later than noon on the Wednesday preceding the scheduled delegation date.
During the Delegation
Be mindful of time
Delegations are limited to a maximum of 15 minutes.
Speak through the chair
When addressing Council or answering a question, always speak “through the Chair”. This maintains order in the meeting. The Mayor is addressed as Mayor Rochon, Madam Mayor or Your Worship.
We are here to help
For any other questions regarding your presentation to Council, please contact the Clerks Department at 705-753-6907 or 705-753-6926.
Melanie Ducharme, Municipal Clerk