The Municipality of West Nipissing has noticed an increase in the posting of business signage and advertisement throughout the community. Please be reminded that residents and businesses are not permitted to use municipal property or road allowances for solicitation purposes. Road allowances refer to the portion of land that is designated for roads, sidewalks, and public utilities.
By-law Enforcement Officers have removed numerous signs which had been affixed to hydro poles, streetlights, and trees along local road allowances. Businesses whose advertisements have been removed are requested to contact the Municipal Office within 30 days of this notice to reclaim their signs.
In accordance with By-law 2018/76 on Signs and Advertising, building permits and lease agreements are required prior to the construction or affixing of larger signs on private or municipal property. Smaller advertisements that do not exceed specified dimensions do not require a permit but must be displayed on private or commercial property with consent from the property owner. For safety reasons, no sign shall obstruct access or visibility of essential emergency measures, including fire hydrants, traffic signals, water drainage systems, and other utility infrastructure as outlined in the by-law.
To learn more about these regulations and potential fines for contravention, please refer to By-law 2018/76 on Signs and Advertising.
The municipal By-law Enforcement team thanks you for your cooperation.
Municipal Office, By-law Enforcement
225 Holditch Street, Sturgeon Falls, Ontario