The Youth Advisory Committee is looking for ambassadors who are passionate about social and recreational matters that can enhance the quality of life, safety, health and well-being of the youth in West Nipissing. This is a great way for high school students to gather community service hours.
- Term: September 2023 to June 2024
- Open to candidates aged 14 to 24 (aged 14 before January 1, 2023)
- Apply by June 30, 2023
Individuals interested in volunteering on a Board or Committee may submit their Application Form to the attention of the Municipal Clerk.
The mandate of the YAC is:
- To be part of a two-way dialogue, through information sharing, between Council and youth.
- To provide youth with a better understanding of municipal politics.
- To present the opportunity for youth to provide input regarding Council initiatives.
- To provide an opportunity for youth to express their needs, concerns, wants, and promote general awareness of services/events that are targeted towards youth.
- To keep Council informed of important matters affecting youth.
- To partner with established community organizations to provide a link to existing youth activities and other programs in the community.
- To establish youth related priorities annually for recommendation to council.
- To act as a positive advocate for youth in the West Nipissing community.
The Committee will be comprised of a maximum of 11 (eleven) Voting Members:
- 8 (eight) youth, ages 14-24, appointed by council representing each Ward (candidates must be 14 years old prior to January 1st of the year they apply to participate.)
- 3 (three) youth, representing each high school in West Nipissing
Members are selected by resolution of Council. To ensure a diverse and inclusive environment, when appointing individuals, Council will consider representatives from various race, religion, gender, gender identities or expressions, sexual orientation, national origin and disabilities.
The minimum term of the Committee is 1 school year (September to June). Once selected, YAC members will be considered for reappointment in future years. The YAC’s success hinges on the experience and guidance of returning members.
The Committee shall, from amongst its members, choose a Committee Chair as well as 2 youth representatives who will be members of the Recreation and Culture Advisory Committee. These selections shall be made at the first meeting of the year for each year of the committee’s term.
The volunteer hours spent on this Committee can be counted towards the 40 hours of community service needed to graduate from Ontario high schools. Additionally, the hours can be added to a resume or post-secondary school application and provide an opportunity for career exploration. Members requiring transportation to meetings will be eligible for mileage reimbursement as per municipal policy.
See the Committee’s Terms of Reference for more information.
To apply, submit your Volunteer Application form to the Clerks Department.